A book to read....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 |
My husband and I recently wandered through our local Family Christian bookstore and randomly picked up books that looked like good reads. My husband always heads to the Bibles first, (I swear he just likes the smell of a new Bible) and I head to the "self help"/inspirational section. Finally, after much time had passed we both decided on Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It is a book that has been recommended by several friends. Well, a few chapters in we can see why. I find it to be a book very relevant to today's Christian life. Francis Chan writes in very appealing words about how we are to revere God and to fear Him which is a message that seems to be missing in many Christian circles today. He combines that awe and respect with a love that surpasses any emotion that we could ever connect with. We love God purely because of who He is not just what He does for us. I could go on, but I'm only on the third chapter. I tend to get excited when I find literature that inspires me to think about my life and urges me to become a better person. I find myself wanting to put the kids to bed right after dinner so I can read.


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